Thursday, January 7, 2016

Chinese Pop Star Fronts Star Wars Promotions

How do you drive young audiences to film? Bring in one of them to promote it.

That is exactly what is happening in China, where pop star LuHan is at the center of the promotional campaign for “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” which opens there on January 9th. Sound Tree Entertainment chief Gregory James Blount says that this approach to promotion is sure to attract young audiences to the new films.

On Wednesday, the seventh installment of the Star Wars franchise passed the $750 million mark, making it the highest grossing film in history in North America, passing “Avatar.” The previous mark was reached over seven months, and Star Wars passed it in 20 days.

The Star Wars brand was purchased by Disney a few years ago, and this film is the first of what is expected to be a yearly release of films for the next six years, with two more installments of the main Star Wars saga alternated with three new anthology films that explore other stories within the broader Star Wars universe.